Dive Into Homestead Village's Values and Philosophy

From The President: Homestead Village Values and Philosophy

“We” statements.  Homestead Village’s Values and Philosophy of Care boldly assert eleven “We” statements. Each states what we believe.  The governing leadership expects every stakeholder of Homestead Village to uphold and follow these creeds.  It is not a choice – it is a necessity to fulfill Homestead Village’s mission, vision and purpose.  In our modern society, it is frowned upon to demand that people do anything.  Instead we ask, encourage and appeal to people to behave and participate in a certain fashion.  The Homestead Village Values and Philosophy of care are not a choice.   As you read each statement, it is clear that a reasonable person would readily agree with each and every one.  So the real challenge is not in accepting these statements, it is living them:

Creeds & Deeds Logo

  • Every day,
  • Both the good days and bad,
  • With people who are pleasant, fun and exciting to be around and with those who require a little extra grace.
  • With residents and employee team members and other stakeholders.
  • When we are calm and when we stressed.

Our values and philosophy of care were not written for the good times. They were written to guide us through the challenges, the rough patches in our individual lives and in the collective lives of our community.  As we read each statement, we need to commit ourselves to fulfilling its expectations. When we do, our mission and vision will be fulfilled as well.

Our Values

We value every member of the Homestead Village community.

We practice and expect high ethical standards, applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity, and commitment.

We strive to provide exceptional service, holding each individual in utmost esteem.

We support an environment that improves quality of life, fulfills individual aspirations, values diversity, and holds our Mission paramount.

We seek to minister to each individual’s body, mind and spirit.

We acknowledge and respect one another’s spiritual beliefs while honoring our Christian heritage.

Our Philosophy of Care

We believe in the dignity, inherent worth and right to self-determination of each individual resident.

We strive to meet the health and wellness needs of residents at all levels along the continuum of care.

We provide an environment that enhances and encourages continued personal growth and life satisfaction.

We make decisions utilizing open and honest communication involving residents, their families, and members of the health team,

We exercise thoughtful stewardship of the resources of the resident, Homestead Village and the greater community.

Whether you are a resident, employee team member, board member, family member or other stakeholder,  these values guide us in our daily tasks and in our interactions with one another.

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