Tips to Prepare for Rightsizing - Homestead Village

Tips to Prepare for Rightsizing

As you begin to plan for your next move, choosing where and what you want in your next home doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s easy to downsize, or as we call it rightsize, when you know the steps that can make it a breeze. In this blog, we’ll share with you 5 tips for helping you plan and decide what to let go and what to bring with you.

1. Organize Your Approach

Having a plan before you begin helps to make the process go much smoother. Start by spreading out 4 boxes: keep, sell, donate and discard. This will help you to go through your items and decide which items are important to you and which items you no longer want to keep. 

2. Create a Schedule

Finding time to fit in with your day may seem impossible, but when you add it to your calendar, you are making a commitment, and this helps to stick with it. You can even schedule it in increments of 10 minutes or schedule a day you know you can block entirely to decluttering.

3. Start Small

Now that you have your boxes and the time scheduled, start with a drawer or one room. When you try to do too much, this can just overwhelm you. By starting small, you can make a lot of progress and have small wins along the way. Have your boxes ready to put items in appropriately and reorganize the items you’re keeping to better align with your space.

4. Evaluate Carefully

Ask yourself questions as you evaluate each item. Do you love it? Have you used it in the past 12 months? Will it fit your lifestyle? Asking yourself these questions can help you know which box each item should go into. Thinking about what your goals are as you rightsize can also help you ask relevant questions.

5. Test Your Use

We often keep items because we think we will use them. But, when we test ourselves, we sometimes see that isn’t always true. In your closet, turn all your hangers in one direction and as you wear them, turn them in the other so you know which ones you haven’t worn. Then you can decide to either donate the item or discard it.  

Rightsizing your home can be simple with these tips implemented and will help to increase your overall happiness. To read these and 5 more tips on rightsizing your space, plus learn more about how to prepare for your next move, view our Downsize & Optimize brochure. Contact us today if you have questions or are ready to visit The Townstead at Homestead Village.

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